Monday, February 15, 2010

Parking @ Bangalore

Parking is challenge in Bangalore or rather is no of cars on road a challenge.

Today I had to meet a prospective client on lavelle road, I realised only when I arrived that parking has been taken off on Lavelle Road.

I requested the security person of the company I was visiting to let me in. He was very nice to let me in and park in a certain corner, until the villain (another guard) came around. He questioned the other guard if he checked I am an employee, to whom I responded I am not and was only there for a meeting.
Now the nice guard also turned villain telling me to take the car out and park it on the road. I requested saying I will be out in 15 minutes as it was a short meeting.

This time the guard became a more aggressive saying I have to take the car out and there is no choice of parking the car in the premises for outsiders. I requested again (as it was almost 7pm) saying many cars are going out home, so you let me park it for a while. The guard was really nasty is starting to use language on me, this time though my temper rose, I said calmly now that I have parked my car here, I am not taking the car out till I come back

My blog is not about my problem with the security guard, but the problem behind this whole it right to get so many cars on the road without proper infrastructure to have space to drive them on road ( perfect example Bangalore traffic) or the space to park them ( Bangalore infrastructure). What should be the solution?
Should the citizens themselves stop buying/ using automobiles or the government should stop issues permits to drive so many vehicles on the road. Should people mandatory made to use the public transport or should government first improve the public transport? Should we follow the Singapore model to allow only automobiles with permits to be driven or improve our infrastructure?

It’s worse than a chicken and egg case...all I can do now is ask for comments

Like Billy Connolly says "I don't believe in angels, no. But I do have a wee parking angel. It's on my dashboard and you wind it up. The wings flap and it's supposed to give you a parking space. It's worked so far. "

- Anand Varadaraj

Monday, February 8, 2010


I am trying to figure out, how to be really lazy?

thought will type in some...Here are the rules of being lazy:

1. Never do anything. If you wait around long enough, someone else will do it.
2. Don't move. Moving is overrated.
3. Never run. Running is the worst thing you can do. I had to run once.. big mistake.
4. If something is not in your reach, you don't need it. Before you get up to get something across the room next time, think. Do you really want to get up and walk all the way there and all the way back to get it? Yeah, I know. I felt stupid for moving all those times.
5. Don't have an opinion. Opinions are thoughts, and thoughts are work.
6. Don't work. Working is for suckers. Be a CEO if you can, they never do anything.
7. If you have to move, fuss about it. Make it well known that you're pissed off because you have to move. Sigh a lot. Drag your feet and arch your back at 60 degrees (bad posture helps you to conform to the shapes of couches when you sit down, and it makes you look tired).
8. Sleep as much as you can. Contrary to common sense and popular belief, sleeping is very productive.
9. Don't talk. Talking requires the movement of your jaw.. way too much work.
10. If you have to work, do a half-assed job at it. Example: If you have to clean your room, take all the stuff and dump it outside your room

I have more rules, but this is taking more effort than I thought. I'll update this later.. if I'm not too tired.


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Anand Varadaraj